Sunday, November 23, 2008

Okay so everyone keeps yelling at me cause I haven't posted in forever. I would just like to say I have a very athletic 6yr. old son who plays soccer,baseball,basketball,rides skateboards,razor skooters,heeleys,bikes,and now wants to play volleyball. I barely have time to keep him out of the ER. Now Chaiz who is 2 has started to skateboard. My life is full of scary 'mommy" screams.
Not to mention these new things called rip sticks or wave boards they came out with. Could someone please tell Croix his name is not Tony HAWK!!!!!!!!!!


Chavonne said...

Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree;) Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find yours. Sounds like you've got your hands full. I live in UT now, but Daisie has recently moved back to the valley. I'll see her this weekend. I'll tell her you said hi. You have a beautiful family.

Amber said...

Vyanca that is so fun! You probably love having such a sporty little guy. I think it is awesome that he wants to do volleyball now....You are a great mom.