Thursday, December 30, 2010

I just have to say how much I love Shawns job and how grateful I am for their family insurance( for which we pay NADA, not a dime) He is the first assistant(right under a store manager) at Big 5 where he has been forever and he loves! Plus he gets awesome discounts, it's great to be my friend :) We don't pay a cent for our insurance besides the $20 co-pay and when ewe had VyVy and she ended up in NICU I was freaking out worried about the bill! Well I got it today and besides the $20 we paid we didnt owe a thing, the insurance paid 100%!!! I know people who have paid thousands and thousand in hospital bills!! Today I just feel thankful!!!!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas in Overton

My favorite part of Christmas has always been Christmas Eve at Ama's house. My entire life and long before I was born my entire family has been gathering at my grandmas bright and early on the 24th to make what feels like 100 dozen tamales!!! When I was growing up her house would be packed full of cousins, aunts, uncles and hundreds of presents. As the years have gone by there are fewer and fewer able to make it but no matter how many show up it's always full of love and bud light!! Even if it is 8am( Mando)!

Monday, December 20, 2010

VyVyana Marie

VyVyana Marie Zubia-Santos
I finally feel well enought o sit at the computer for a few minutes and put up her pictures. She was born on Dec 1 at 10:02 p.m. Just short of four weeks early just like her brothers!! I had been having contractions since before Thanksgiving and the dr gave me meds to try and stop them but she wanted out. So when they finally started being three minutes apart we tucked the boys into bed with papa and headed to the hospital. I got there at 8:30 p.m and they said the dr would be here in 45 minutes to do my csection! I couldn't believe what a whirlwind the next hour was, mom almost had a heart attack trying to get to the hospital on time.

My last csection they put me to sleep so this time was so weird to be awake as they cut her out of me! She had a little trouble breathing when she came out so she had to spend a couple days in the nicu. But now we are home and happy to have her here in time for Christmas!!